1. You must have a good understanding of nursing topics to be able to correctly identify and answer what the question is asking. Asthma treatment (asthma attack), symptoms, pathophysiology nursing NCLEX review lecture. These questions will challenge your knowledge about the concepts behind Bronchial Asthma, COPD, Pneumonia and many more. Respiratory System | Asthma & COPD NCLEX Quiz 36 10 Questions | By Santepro | Last updated: Sep 26, 2017 | Total Attempts: 1364 Questions All questions 5 questions 6 questions 7 questions 8 questions 9 questions 10 questions Select All That Apply. Here are Nclex Questions on Legal Issues Part-1 for your exam Practice. Another 50-item NCLEX style exam that covers the diseases affecting the Respiratory System. When caring for a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the nurse identifies a nursing diagnosis of imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements after noting a weight loss of 30 lb. 8. While teaching a patient with asthma the appropriate use of a peak flow meter, the nurse instructs the patient to, 12. A nurse administers the medication, knowing that the primary action of this medication is to: 1. The nurse determines the patient is in the early phase of the attack, based on the ABG results of, 11. A patient with COPD is admitted to the hospital. A 50-item NCLEX style exam that covers the diseases affecting the Respiratory System. The nurse interprets the results as indicating which condition? 13. A 58-year-old client with a 40-year history of smoking one to two packs of cigarettes a day has a chronic cough producing thick sputum, peripheral edema, and cyanotic nail beds. Which of the following are recognized as a Histamine response that can start local inflammatory responses, triggering asthma? A client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) prescribed a long-acting inhaled beta2 agonist reports hating the inhaler and asks why the drug can't be taken as a pill. A newly diagnosed client with asthma says that his peak flowmeter is reading 82% of his personal best. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD) 4. Based on this information, the nurse identifies the nursing diagnosis of. The nurse know that which assessment findings most likely indicate the asthma is deteriorating and progressing toward respiratory failure? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. COPD NCLEX Questions. (Select all that apply). A pt diagnosed with asthma asks the nurse what is the medications are supposed to do. 7. The nurse instructs the pt to use the pursed-lip method of breathing and the pt asks what is the purpose of this method. A pt with COPD is likely to have which findings on assessment? The nurse's best response is, The nurse is assigned an admitted pt with a 22 year hx of bronchitis. What is the rationale for ordering a mucolytic for this client? What does the nurse do first when setting up a safe environment for the new client on oxygen? A patient with a history of asthma is admitted to the hospital in acute respiratory distress. 39. A 32-year-old patient is seen in the clinic for dyspnea associated with the diagnosis of emphysema. In the previous NCLEX review series, I explained about other respiratory disorders, so be sure to check those reviews out. During an acute episode, what happens to the respiratory muscles and ABGs in an asthmatic pt? Pneumonia The nurse knows the purpose of this drug for the patient is, When administering short-acting beta2 agonists, the advantage of using the aerosol route is, In teaching a pt with chronic airflow limitation about his meds, the nurse knows the correct sequence for administering aerosol treatments is. Acute asthma b. Bronchial pneumonia c. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) d. Emphysema. All of these orders are received for a patient having an acute asthma attack. The nurse is reviewing the knowledge of the asthma pt about his cromolyn sodium (Intal). Which information given by an asthmatic patient during the admission assessment will be of most concern to the nurse? The description states delivers medication without using chemical propellants, but requires strong and fast inhalation. Answer D is correct. When teaching a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) about reasons to quit smoking, the nurse will explain that long-term exposure to tobacco smoke leads to a a. weakening of … When a patient with COPD is receiving oxygen, the best action by the nurse is to, 22. The nurse teaches a patient with COPD how to perform pursed-lip breathing, explaining that this technique will assist respiration by, 19. She realizes the pt needs additional teaching when she sees the following action by the patient the following day, The COPD pts family asks the nurse what is the purpose of making the pt cough on a routine basis? Select All That Apply. Which assessment findings does the nurse expect for this pt? A 50-item NCLEX style exam that covers the diseases affecting the Respiratory System. The nurse analyzes these results as indicating which condition? The nurse is caring for an older adult patient with a chronic respiratory disorder. An umbrella organisation of Nepal's mainstream media houses. During assessment of the patient, the nurse would notify the health care provider immediately about, 2. The nurse recognizes these values as evidence of, 16. Diseases of the Respiratory System 2. Which of the following statements about chronic bronchitis is false? Asthma and COPD NCLEX Practice Quiz 1 8. Don't forget to take the asthma quiz. which problem related to aging can influence the care and treatment of this patient? The nurse should teach the patient that long-term home O2 therapy, 23. Bronchial pneumonia c. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) d. Emphysema. Postural drainage with percussion and vibration is ordered bid for a patient with chronic bronchitis. Which of the following are characteristics of pulmonary emphysema? Which ABG value is more associated with the early phase of the attack? 37. How will the nurse administer the oxygen for this client? Definition: pulmonary disease that causes chronic obstruction of airflow from the lungs. Which interventions are best to use in caring for this patient? a. How can the nurse best position the patient to improve gas exchange? Start studying NCLEX Questions. She identifies which of the following as rescue/reliever drugs? Which statement below indicates that the client correctly understands how to use an inhaler with a spacer? 4. The nurse knows that these are discrete, non continuous sounds that are: A female pt comes into the ER complaining of SOB and pain in the lung area. The physician orders ABG's, results are: pH: 7.55; PaCO2 28 mm Hg; PaO2 59 mm Hg; HCO3- 25 mEq/L; SPO2 87%. NCLEX Review on COPD. In teaching the patient about the use of the inhalers, the best instruction by the nurse is, 5. 18. Acute management of bronceal asthma include all the following, EXCEPT: A. Which one will the nurse administer first? Bronchial Asthma 3. Basilar crackles are present in a client's lungs on auscultation. 1. An appropriate intervention for this problem is to. Nurse monitors for which hallmark signs and symptoms of asthma? Which of the following are recognized as a Leukotriene response that can start local inflammatory responses, triggering asthma? 36. The appropriate response by the nurse is. -6 questions COPD Welcome to our collection of free NCLEX practice questions to help you achieve success on your NCLEX … COPD pt has meal-related dypnea. When educating a newly diagnosed asthma patient about exercise and activities the following are correct, The nursing instructor is educating her class on status asthmaticus. Respiratory System | Asthma & COPD NCLEX Quiz 30 10 Questions | By Santepro | Last updated: Sep 25, 2017 | Total Attempts: 2555 Questions All questions 5 questions 6 questions 7 questions 8 questions 9 questions 10 questions This is a 50-item NCLEX style exam that covers the diseases affecting the Respiratory System. 1. Betty is a 9-year-old girl diagnosed … Right knowledge and proper nursing care can have a great impact in improving efficiency of the patient’s respiration and … The nurse plans care for a pt with COPD, understanding that the pt is most likely to experience what type of acid-base imbalance? Which are the main purposes of asthma treatment? Which information given by the patient would help most in confirming a diagnosis of chronic bronchitis? The nurse explains to the pt diagnosed with asthma and allergies that which of the following are allergens that can trigger and asthma attack? What precautions does the nurse use when caring for a COPD pt taking systemic theophylline? Relax smooth muscles of the bronchial airway 4. Which of these is the best goal for the patient admitted with chronic bronchitis who has a nursing diagnosis of ineffective airway clearance? When taking an admission history of a patient with possible asthma who has new-onset wheezing and shortness of breath, the nurse will be most concerned about which information? 4. She tells the patient is delivers fine liquid mists of medication through a tube or mask, using air or oxygen under pressure. When preparing a patient with possible asthma for pulmonary function testing, the nurse will teach the patient to, 6. A pt has COPD with chronic difficult breathing. Which of the following should the nurse include when instructing about the peak flow meter? The FEV1/FVC ratio indicates disease progression. The nurse makes a diagnosis of impaired gas exchange for a patient with COPD in acute respiratory distress, based on the assessment finding of, 20. The patient denies any history of smoking. a. Circumoral cyanosis b. The nurse notices, during assessment of a pt with chronic bronchitis, fatigue, dependent edema, distended neck veins, and cyanotic lips.
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