1993. There will always be people who criticize you, judge you, attack you, and spread rumors about you. A critique, on the other hand, is “a detailed analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary, philosophical, or political theory.” Critique is how ideas are tested and knowledge grows. Thanks Grant. Thank you for your timely response Dr. Pitt. Understand Your Unique Intelligence Profile and Maximize Your Potential. I strongly suggest you choose your words more carefully next time you wish to show off your faux moral superiority with a passive-aggressive contemptuous swipe. In the Bible, King David was criticized and attacked his entire life. As we say in Yorkshire ‘It’s sooner felt than telt’. Leaf as professionals and spiritual people would be able to come together to reason with each other. You, Dr Leaf, or anyone for that matter, are welcome to agree or disagree. I did however feel the need, as sufferer of severe clinical depression and anxiety, to say that a lot of the stuff popping up about Dr Leaf on my Facebook page flies in the face of what I have been told through countless visits with psychologists, psychiatrists, Dr’s and the readings i have been directed too. Your observations are very astute – the church and mental health does have a very wide variety of teaching. Unpublished D.Phil Dissertation, University of Pretoria. Since the early 1980s she has researched the mind-brain connection, the nature of mental health, and the formation of memory. Sometimes people ask if religion and science are not opposed to one another. People have also told me my quadriplegic daughter (who has microcephaly) can be cured by rewiring her tiny, badly damaged brain. What works for one many not work for another. “The heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge, but the mouths of fools feed on folly” Proverbs 15:14 (ESV). If spiritual people are not held to a higher, then why mention it or preface your argument with it. and Louw, B. She did not advise where she has tenure or does her research. But I am a GP – I see sick people everyday, on the coal face, before they are collected in subspecialist clinics, or improve spontaneously. Felt presumptuous and patronizing! Is she showing love then too? "You see," says Bill Wilson, "I believe my story continually lets people know that it's still about ordinary people doing extraordinary things. To put it lightly, that’s not entirely true. These pathways are developed and refined during childhood, but we are born with built-in templates for basic emotion. | churchwatch central, https://cedwardpitt.com/2013/08/29/dr-caroline-leaf-contradicted-by-the-latest-research/, https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/466848, https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/hold-that-thought/id908877288?mt=11, https://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/201501/beyond-happiness-the-upside-feeling-down, https://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/depression/what-causes-depression, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y1xJAVZxXg, https://cedwardpitt.com/2016/07/30/dr-caroline-leaf-and-her-house-of-cards/, http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/wilberforce_william.shtml, https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/720425, https://cedwardpitt.com/2015/03/26/the-tedx-users-guide-to-dr-caroline-leaf/. Leaf, C.M. 16. So the difference with this book and some others is that it is not just about me and improving myself, but about being the person God intended me to be in the wider context of relationships with others, in worshipping Him and serving Him and the people in our lives. You’re right when you say that our minds throw out seemingly random thoughts that we don’t need to change, but simply defuse from them and accept them for what they are, just thoughts. For many Christian women, the constant demands of family, pursuing a career, and managing a household leave little time or energy for anything else. But are we to tolerate untruth? I’m not aware of any connection that Dr Leaf has with PRO MA / Amway. I hope you can find some resources that are helpful to you. If you have any other comments, I’m happy to discuss them further. But, like David, you need to let God be your protector, your Savior, your defender, your victor, and your shelter. I’m simply challenging Caroline Leaf to hold herself and what she is putting out there to a standard, and asking people to use their common sense and rather than take someone’s word for it, ask a few hard questions. But inspiration is not commensurate with accuracy. What would our society look like today if William Wilberforce had of stayed silent to try and maintain unity (http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/wilberforce_william.shtml)? I contend that Dr Leaf has not kept up with the current science, despite her spruiking to the contrary, and this shows in the conclusions that she attempts to draw. “Your Body His temple. My ‘More then enough time for a rebuttal, but I see none. She must have her facts straight if she is preaching at some of the biggest churches on the planet, right? I have recently written an article for a major Australian medical journal, which has been accepted for publication, although its publication is still pending. People with autism can augment their weaknesses and adapt, and neurotypicals can meet them half-way by understanding how they think and why, which will help those with autism and Aspie have the opportunity to better use their strengths. Dr Leaf may be well meaning but the inaccuracies and false conclusions she outlined in her teachings are very harmful to those of us suffering from biologically based mental illness. God in His Mercy has His reasons, so how can any mere mortal claim to decipher divine mystery? 87-102. I’ve been a Christian since I got saved in college and have been actively involved in community outreach ministries for a couple of years. The combination of the personal, theological and the scientific elements would make your message very powerful indeed. For her discernment to be so wrong is a big, big caution to me. Thanks for your encouragement and support, and for your honesty and humility in sharing your journey. The same goes for your husband. Typical medicines have to go through years of grueling testing and proving in the clinic before they are FDA approved and released to the public to treat diseases. Leaks hypothesis. Thank you for publishing your concerns. It’s the only antidote when pseudoscience goes viral. 1997. Big red flag when people use scripture to sell their ideas to those who fall for magical thinking for a quick fix. Hearing stories like yours makes all of the time and effort so worth it. If you still disagree with my assessment, then that’s fine. I think it’s great that you’ve taken the time to consider all options open-mindedly. Why?” comment was because I saw none in the “Reply” section immediately following ‘Mac’ comments. And numerous other things that I observed to be ‘off’ but cannot quantify because i’m just a high school dropout 40 something mom of 7 kids who is sleep deprived. Thank you so much for the extensive time and effort that you have put into examining and debunking the “scientific” claims made by Dr. Her passion is to help people see the link between science and scripture as a tangible way of controlling their thoughts and emotions, learning how to think and learn and finding their sense of purpose in life. Who do you think can do a better job defending you? This is the way of good science, vital to the progress of knowledge and the progress of mankind in general. Switch on Your Brain. We need “those people” because they protect us and demand real proof. My friend’s response was that they should “snap” out of it like she did when she was depressed! FREE Delivery by Amazon. Why? Additionally I have a medical degree (MB ChB) from the University of Ghana Medical School, Accra, Ghana, and a Master’s of Science (MS) in Behavioral and Neural Sciences from Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey. Those now need to be tested and proven or disproven. Several members of my extended family also have BD. Caroline Leaf has 25 books on Goodreads with 35499 ratings. Yes she does read a lot as the field of Neuroscience is constantly evolving and one has to be as informed as possible. This is human nature. These things may help lessen the negative impacts of the illness when it’s really bad, but they have never in 15 years stopped the episodes from happening. For easy access to this research please see the Google links to TED talks and Time Magazine’s article. I stumbled upon Dr. Just because Dr Leaf is a Christian leader does not preclude her from critique. You can start here: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/depression/what-causes-depression, but if you want something in more depth, I suggest Palazidou, E., The Neurobiology Of Depression, Br Med Bull (2012) 101:127-145. But what is she telling us that is new under the sun that the bible doesn’t already teach us? Can I recommend a book that I have just finished which I believe is on topic and may be one better option. Dr. So the question remains: is she really a cognitive neuroscientist, or is she just a woman with a PhD that reads a lot? It slyly mixes in faith, and in so doing suggests that there is a mystical spiritual side to all this that cannot be tested. Imagine the outcry. Good luck to you. I am not a cognitive neuroscientist, and have never claimed to be one. There are a few reasons, primarily because the more there is on line to counter Dr Leaf’s teaching, the better. I have a B.Sc (Hons) in Medical Sciences (specializing in Neuropathology) and a Masters of Public Health (MPH), both degrees from the University of Leeds (UK). She’s a wonderful Christian woman, yet am concerned for her (being an easy mark). In all of my training, from the basic sciences at university through to my post-graduate subspecialty modules, I have been taught to understand the scientific and clinical strengths and weaknesses of various theories and research articles. Caroline Leaf was a contemporary to the eminent neuroscientist Henry Markram, director of the Blue Brain Project and the new one billion Euro European Union Flagship Project, the Human Brain Project. Why does every page on your website have a nice pretty picture of you on it? As Dr Pitt said, claims to be associated with eminent academics is not evidence, and I found these claims to be a disturbing way to back up Dr Leaf’s writings. However what really thrills me is revelation God gives her about the brain. She is an award-winning political scientist, a former professor of political science and professor of law at Vanderbilt University, and a lifetime member of the James … But there are many cells that are not innervated directly. Peter, Birmingham UK. 23.022 Personen sprechen darüber. No pressure or anything, but please take some time and think about it. “Mind Mapping as a Therapeutic Intervention Technique”. Nach Dr. I applaud you for your sincere inquiry and respectful responses to every one of the comments. People must be allowed to respectfully disagree as Dr Pitt has done, without the claim to “hate” in attempt to stifle proper discussion.
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