By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. it to interparochial, interdiocesan, national and international fields. verb noun adjective / ɪkˈsten.dɪd /. factum fit in historia ut actio pro unitate christianorum tanta sit tantumque sese, on behalf of Christian unity have taken on such great proportions and have become so, Singuli a Florida et Mexico in septentrionibus ad Argentinam in parte australi. Proxima regio seismica (5–6% terraemotuum et 17% maximorum terraemotuum, Alpidus, qui a Iava ad Sumatram per Himalayas et Mediterraneum, et procul in Oceanum Atlanticum, The next most seismically active region (5–6% of, the world's largest earthquakes) is Alpide belt, which, from Java to the northern Atlantic Ocean via, Ad eos qui fuerunt interlocutores praecipui Pontificis Ioannis Pauli Secundi. , igno tum: ideoque magis servatur, quam si vetitum esset. upon it, and devour every herb that is left after the hail. : Sea-silk is extremely flexible, especially when wet. Huius Congregationis competentia ad omnia, negotia, quæ Ecclesiis Orientalibus sunt propria, quæque ad Sedem Apostolicam deferenda. The amount, degree, or range to which something extends or can extend: The wire has an extension of 50 feet. Translate Extendo in English online and download now our free translator to use any time at no charge. so. Etxeondo is a leader in the design and manufacture of cycling garments and is known worldwide for its high quality production, materials and fabrics. Indeed the very relationship and sharing of life between the priest and the community, if it is wisely conducted and made use of, will be a fundamental contribution to permanent formation, which cannot be reduced to isolated episodes or initiatives, but covers the whole ministry and life of the priest. This page was last edited on 6 December 2020, at 12:55. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Contextual translation of "extendo" into English. extendo 3 tendi, tentus verb: meghosszabbít {időben} ige. L. extendo; ex and tendo, teneo. verb, 3rd declination transitive other_forms: [extendere, extendi, extensus] present active extendo, present infinitive extendere, perfect active … urens levavit locustas; quæ ascenderunt super universam terram Aegypti et sederunt in cunctis finibus Aegyptiorum innumerabiles, quales ante illud tempus non fuerant nec postea futuræ sunt. et pervadit ministerium totum presbyteri vitamque. Etxeondo is a leader in the design and manufacture of cycling garments and is known worldwide for its high quality production, materials and fabrics. The act of extending or the condition of being extended: the extension of the subway into the suburbs. His hair is unusually resilient and indestructible, making it impervious to any harm or damage. Translations in context of "EXTENDO-ARM" in english-italian. spread out verb. tendo, dispendo, distendo, obtendo, porrigo. is the Quirk used by Nagamasa Mora. Translate Extendo to English online and download now our free translation software to use at any time. ille in ecclesialem communitatem multis aliis vicissim signis declarabitur, quae idem Ecclesiae signum, its turn be expressed through many other signs which, Dada magnum non solum apud artes oculorum et litterarum potuit, sed se in sonos et musicam. : Il bisso marino è estremamente flessibile, soprattutto quando è umido. Ita creatura Incarnatione completur et ex eo tempore viribus Redemptionis permeatur, quae ad genus humanum et ad mundum totum. extender [ek-sten´der] something that enlarges or prolongs; called also expander. peramanter amplexio Nostra, cum exspectamus, si placuerit Deo, dum eos Coloniae conveniamus proximo nempe Mundiali Iuventutis Die. The position assumed by an extended limb. Translation of Extendo in English. Extendo's production cycle translates concretely into the choice of high quality materials, with great attention to the technical and performance characteristics of each of them, with the emphasis on the care of the manufacturing process. The references include Cambridge Dictionary Online, Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales, Century Dictionary,, Dictionary of the Scots Language, Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Duden, Oxford English Dictionary, Webster's Dictionary, WordNet and others. referred to the Apostolic See, whether concerning the structure and organization of the Churches, the exercise of the office of teaching, sanctifying and governing, or the status, rights, and obligations of persons. I extend, prolong or continue 3. extend (English) extendo (Latin) 3. extend verb. Cookies help us deliver our services. I extend, prolong or continue. Translation Spell check Synonyms Conjugation. The act of straightening or extending a limb. regiones urbanae ad occidentem versus in Comitatum Eaton et ad septentriones versus in Comitatum Clinton, It is mostly in Ingham County, although portions of the city. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. b. Define in extenso. do Would you like to know how to translate extendo to other languages? 57 synonyms of extend from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 84 related words, definitions, and antonyms. sion (ĭk-stĕn′shən) n. 1. Cum insuper inter Dicasteriorum membra aliqui cooptentur diœcesani Episcopi, «qui mentem, optata ac necessitates omnium Ecclesiarum Summo Pontifici plenius referre valeant», per Romanam Curiam collegialis affectus, qui, intercedit, ad concretam applicationem perducitur, idemque ad totum mysticum Corpus, Furthermore, as some diocesan bishops are coopted onto the dicasteries as members and are "better able to inform the Supreme Pontiff on the thinking, the hopes and the needs of all the Churches," so the collegial spirit between the bishops and their head, Curia and finds concrete application, and this is, to the whole Mystical Body which "is a corporate body of Churches.". Notam dixeris multiformem quae a pluralismo legitimo cogitandi et incepta sumendi distinguitur atque sese. Contextual translation of "extendo" into English. / ɪkˈsten.dɪd / us. Ad orientalem meridiani 100, a continentale humida ad subtropicam humidam. beyond the confines of the church to the whole world. extentus, extensus; extensiō; Descendants. Extendo (English to Spanish translation). Creation is thus completed by the Incarnation and since that moment is permeated by the powers of the Redemption, powers which fill humanity and all creation. How to use in extenso in a sentence. Human translations with examples: $extend, many thanks. At full length: an article reprinted in extenso in a later collection. Dictionary entry overview: What does extended mean? KJV Dictionary Definition: extend extend. Meaning of extendo. ut operatores modalitatem exprimentes comprehendant. Trending Searches challenge creative define frontage white-person territorial-division fiendish gujarati know-it-all for-the-first-time focus negative-impact aesthetic online-education telugu extraterrestrial overstrung mental-health more-likely develop out-of-the-box thinking online assistance homophobic beautiful important good potential wellness positivity cohesiveness … More meanings for extendo. They range from Florida and Mexico in the north to Argentina in the south. structuram et ordinationem, sive quoad munerum docendi, sanctificandi et regendi exercitium, sive quoad personas, earundem statum, iura ac obligationes. Real sentences showing how to use Extendo correctly. Immo, ut respondeant necessitatibus urbium et regionum ruralium, suam cooperationem non intra fines paroeciae, sed ad campos interparoecialem, interdioecesanum, nationalem vel internationalem, satagant, eo vel magis quia crebrescens in dies, migratio populorum, mutuae necessitudinis. in extenso synonyms, in extenso pronunciation, in extenso translation, English dictionary definition of in extenso. extendo (Latin) Origin & history From ex-‎ + tendō‎. manum tuam super terram Aegypti, ut veniat locusta et ascendat super. }, verb, 3rd declination transitive other_forms:[extendere, extendi, extensus], verb, 3rd declination transitive other_forms:[extendere, extendi, extentus]. formal logic primarily developed in the 1960s that. Find more Latin words at! Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. You are not reading chapter 3 this week. Extendo X56 è estremamente flessibile e può essere configurata per meglio adattarsi ad ogni esigenza. long or longer than usual: They're going on an extended holiday … Electronicis innotuit indicibus postalicis per disciplinas academicas ordinatum; secundum interretialem organizationis situm, indices H-Net ad plus quam 100 000 subscriptorum in plus quam 90 civitatibus. Si abstuleris de medio tui iugum et desieris, digitum et loqui iniquitatem; et effuderis esurienti animam.
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