The difference in webs might also be explained by the fact that there are only two Tholian ships in the TOS episode, whereas in this episode, there are several. You didn't see Soval? Are we clear, major?". As much time as the crew (and presumably all of humanity) spends at each other's throats, it's a wonder they've been so successful at conquering other societies. I've been watching Trek since the 60's and think the Mirror, Darkly episodes are among the best and most entertaining of all Trek series. Great episode. So Spock trying to work for peace weakened the Terran Empire so we got enslaved by the alliance? This prohibits the interaction of characters with their anti-universe and instead allows exclusive focus on the eeeeeeevil characters. This installment was developed to be a sequel to The Original Series episode "The Tholian Web" and a prequel to "Mirror, Mirror". Although she seduces Archer into accepting her continuance as the Captain's woman, she pulls a knife out while they kiss. In one amusing scene, we see his sickbay of horrors, where as a hobby he dissects animals while their insides pulsate. Forrest holds on to the helm station of his dying ship, moments before the assault team watch through the Defiant's viewscreen as Enterprise explodes. The teaser alone was ingenious and then the lead-in with the alternate universe credits had a compelling energy that I've never attributed to Star Trek: Enterprise. In A Mirror Darkly pas cher : retrouvez tous les produits disponibles à l'achat dans notre catégorie Vinyle Not *everyone* in this episode was evil. (, During the writing process, Mike Sussman managed to obtain the script of ", One of the first ideas that Mike Sussman had for this episode was that Hoshi Sato would be the captain's woman. ENT, Episode 4x18 It's a shame it doesn't quite live up to that brilliant opening, and mainly I think the problem is that the crew are pretty much playing evil versions of themselves - there's nothing really that different here apart from from amped up performances and lots and lots of scenery chewing. She explains that she seduced him away from engineering before motivating him, by way of a mind meld, to sabotage the cloak himself before using another meld to alter his memory of what had happened. Working with T'Pol on installing the cloak in Engineering, Tucker sees to it that she has a radiation meter from engineering officer Biggs, as it will prevent her from absorbing the same kind of delta rays that disfigured him. In a Mirror, Darkly | Star Trek In a Mirror, Darkly In the Mirror Universe, an amoral, imperialistic version of the Enterprise crew is led by Captain Forrest and his treacherous first officer, Archer. They'd probably think Trek fans are completely insane. Its pilot starts an overload in its reactor but is beamed into Enterprise's Decon chamber just as its own ship explodes. In Mirror Mirror the uniforms showed a good 8-10 inches of tummy, so of course ENT has to follow suit. Trip was normal. Doing so takes time and Phlox becomes impatiently frustrated. Brannon Braga was highly impressed by this episode's teaser sequence, later stating, ". Liste des morceaux : 1 « Introduction » 2 « Ouverture » 3 « The Armageddon Machine » 4 « The Sliver in Gods Eye » 5 « Janus » 6 « Inside the Outside of the Inside » 7 « Hindsight Bias » 8 « Mutant Messiah » After an unsuccessful attempt, he lowers his hand and, instead of holding it for a handshake (which is what happened in a similar parallel universe), he reaches into his coat and pulls out a shotgun with which he shoots the Vulcan, who instantly collapses. The assembled crew members muse over the significance of the craft, which Archer says is not only from another universe but also from about a hundred years into the future. In the brig, Archer demands that Forrest identify the saboteur, believing it was a spy assigned by Admiral Black, but Forrest claims ignorance. For now we see in a mirror, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I have been known. The involvement of Hoshi Sato allowed Sussman to solve this problem, as Forrest threatens Archer (during the scene in which they are both in the brig) that Hoshi will not forgive him if he kills Forrest. from DS9. I think it's a riot--pure entertainment with no redeeming value. They find only two deceased officers there, one of whom is a man wearing a command division uniform; Archer assumes he is the captain and T'Pol reports he has a broken neck. Archer also reveals that he bought his information from a Humanoid laborer working for the Tholians and shows the other officers some images of the captured ship. She does this not out of ambition for conquest, but out of a loyalty that seems logical. Archer and Reed later inquire into the incident. Si A Mirror Darkly ne possède pas la structure « symphonique » de son prédécesseur Wandering On The Edge Of Time (qui était découpé en mouvements et interludes), il n’est pour autant pas étonnant de voir le groupe à nouveau flirter avec l’influence du compositeur russe et, de manière générale, exposer une musique imagée traversant des tableaux singuliers. He meanwhile returns Cochrane's gun to its display. A seething Forrest lets Archer know that his betrayal is unforgivable and notifies Archer that he is due to brief the senior staff in an hour. The senior staff gather outside the Decon chamber. April 5, 2063 – From beyond Earth's atmosphere, a Vulcan ship descends and lands in Bozeman, Montana. The ship at first encounters slight energy fluctuations but then cloaks. I'm tired of these alternate universe / alternate timeline episodes. Although Forrest suspects that Archer wants to use the technology to attain personal glory, the first officer repudiates this. The key difference, however, is that "Bound" was a relentless bore and "Mirror" is quite a bit of fun, with inventive plot details. (, At one point during production, Scott Bakula wondered if it was possible to modify the Terran Empire salute, due to both the cramped conditions aboard, Another concern from the cast was raised by, During the filming of the scene in which Archer tussles with Forrest in the brig, director, The filming of the scene wherein Tucker is subjected to the agony booth while Archer interrogates him was very intense, requiring many takes and, Tim Gaskill managed to visit the set to watch the filming of the scene wherein Tucker restores power to the, The visual effects team watched "The Tholian Web" a couple of times to prepare for modernizing the Tholians. I personally find 'mirror universe' episodes an annoying waste of time, and although I suppose you could just argue for the fun aspects of this one, I found it hard to take filling the entire cast with psychopaths and sadists, and then in the final act putting them in danger and presumably expecting us to root for them. our) universe. To call this episode over-the-top would be an understatement. ", Writer Mike Sussman at the Defiant's science station. Watched by a crowd of onlookers, a member of the Vulcan crew disembarks and approaches Zefram Cochrane. Mike Sussman Hoping our mirror universe will flip back to a better one in 2021. Captain Forrest, at the very least, demonstrated a spark of altruism and genuinely honorable behaviour during the evacuation and subsequent destruction of the mirror NX-01. I half believe that on some days. Archer orders Mayweather, on brig duty, to search the captain's quarters for telltale messages from Starfleet. Such a universe could never possibly get anything constructive done. Mirror universes are the worst thing ever to happen to Star Trek. Archer suspects Tucker is Admiral Black's spy and, despite Tucker insisting to the contrary, a distrusting Archer directs Reed to continue subjecting Tucker to the agony booth. Everyone here is a scumbag, pretty much without exception. I am totally shocked at how many seem to think that the women's uniforms were just for titillation (they were, make no mistake; just not *just* for it). Being moral and democratic makes you weak? When it vanished from the TOS universe, it apparently ended up here. And what a ship! Out of all the shows from the classic era, I actually think ENT S4 has got better with time. With Manny Coto's input, the sabotage was changed to being a diversionary act that would enable T'Pol to attain her new motive of disabling the sensors so she could free Forrest. Don Whump, Charlie Angst! I guess T'Pol was somewhat sympathetic but even she was ruthless eventually. Tucker receives an electric shock from an overload sparking to the cloaking device. I take these two to be the mirror reversal of that law. Great fun. He has invented a torture chamber ("the booth") that sends agonizing pain straight into the brain. Dans un miroir, obscurément - In a Mirror, Darkly. New tactical systems, advanced bio-weapons. All the normal characters exist but as evil versions of their normal characters in the series. ← 722nd of 801 released in all → Nothing ever mentioned that they couldn't handle room temperature. I gotta tell you: When that bridge lit up and the TOS sound effects started chirping, I wanted to cheer. On Enterprise, a sedative that Phlox has been using on the Tholian pilot stops working and the alien begins retransmitting its bodily distress signal. Directed by James L. Conway. While T'Pol and Soval attempt to garner the ship for the good of the Rebellion, Captain Jonathan Archer uses his newfound weapon to organise a coup of the Terran Empire. (, Mike Sussman wrote the episode alone over the, In the initial version of the story, T'Pol was trying to sabotage the cloaking device in order to prevent the mission going ahead. Four more Tholian ships approach Enterprise and, despite an initial attempt by Forrest to withdraw from the mission, the alien vessels are not only jamming communications between the pair of Starfleet ships but also subsequently create an energy web that surrounds Enterprise. The nods to TOS were brilliant. In episodes 18 and 19 of the 4th series of Star Trek Enterprise ("In a Mirror, Darkly") the characters exist in a dark mirror universe where Star Fleet is the military arm of an aggressive terran empire. So I decided to watch this in desperate hopes that it would somehow link to DSC's MU plotline. Dammit, spoilers for the follow up episode in the comments on the first episode. A bunch of hillbillies storming onto the first interstellar ship they've ever seen, somehow overpowering the Vulcans with primitive weapons, figuring out how to fly it, and then somehow enslaving the Vukcan empire has to be the most preposterous notion this series has developed (I'm not sure if it beats Paris and Janeway mating as Salamanders) . But we seem to see occasional flashes of what looks like a normal version of Archer, … Following a failed plan to tractor onto the enemy craft and a subsequent brief exchange of firepower, Enterprise disables the Tholian ship. Next episode: In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II. Reminding T'Pol that she is also Vulcan, Archer asserts his authority. valeriev84 at hotmail dot com. 0:13. Archer brutalizes Forrest, citing his imprisonment as a sign that he is incorrect. All of it, ours for the taking! Despite Archer ordering Reed to lock Forrest in the brig, the Major is intent on killing the imprisoned captain.
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