Anyway we will see where this goes…. I realized how selfish I had been all those years and decided immediately that I was gonna change to be a better person. She accuses him even if she knows deep in her heart that he is as loyal to her as she is honest and blunt with him. This site is free and open to everyone, but our registered users get extra privileges like commenting, and voting. Now right afterward you may feel like crap and like you’re in withdrawal from this Scorpio you think you need; but stay strong it will pass and eventually you will be grateful not to have that unproductive drama in your life. You make him nervous he may never admit it but you do. Obsessed and Paranoid – Sagittarius Man With Moon In Scorpio Posted on December 31, 2010 by Elsa June 5, 2019 I once dated a Sagittarius man with a Scorpio Moon. And, let’s not forget her social butterfly status! I absolutely adore the female Sagittarius in my life. On the other hand, they can lack balance. With this game plan the two can reach the stars and beyond I know that for a fact. If we’re with you, we’ve already decided we want you; but with Scorp their games just seem to suggest they haven’t decided; and who has time for that. We are totally opposite and our relationship is sometimes a war zone! He can see right through me and he is always playing games with me. I know that shes my bonni when i feel like being clyde… I know she needs me, without me shes a lost worthless cause, and i know she will always break her worthless pride to come back to me. connection amazing when one. I don’t know where my story will end but I know when my life truly started. But he can be lazy, not as determined and messy. Play up each other’s strengths and don’t dwell on the weaknesses. But, just as water can put out a fire, it can also add some serious steam. If the desire is strong enough and they can make it work they are able to strive toward anything and be successful at it. I never felt so bad in my life to be without them both was like being away from the sun, think about never feeling the warmth of it’s rays, always being cold. They start off very nice like that and end up being manipulative. Great planner and dealer- towards tability not like a pices cancer so pisces o but cancer _ not good. I was working multiple jobs at the time and was never home so it was perfect for them and I respected her space completely as I just wanted her to feel safe. I wanted, secretly, to have her again but couldn’t say it for some reason. He also , does things to test my honesty and loyalty !! Oh wait I guess I already know the answer but I always told myself “No way I’m gonna fall in love with one!” Damn karma, yeah thats right I’m in love with one. The sex is phenomanal, other worldly amazing. But somehow once it goes romantic, everything changes. Our intimicy is of a spiritual level there is no doubt. Once again, easy to flip the switch on. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign whereas Scorpio is a fixed water sign, the Sagittarius woman Scorpio man compatibility gets a TWO Hearts rating. for the happy ending. I spent a lot of years overcoming the “traditionally” negative aspects of my sign, and from what I’ve gathered this is actually a thing akin to “graduating” from being Scorpion like to being more like an Eagle. After I was assaulted I turned to my girlfriend and I asked her to call the police. So we are working through our problems. When she always has to figure out what he’s thinking, the breakdown in communication can cause you to forge ahead with a new prospect. The Sagittarius woman is usually understanding, but she always has a limit and the Pisces usually plays very close to that limit. It may come as a shock for the unprepared. Sooo not necessary, and makes us want to run for the hills. I think he loves me but has a hard time saying how he feels. It will be essential in the Sagittarius-Pisces bond to find characteristics that unite them in the long term, because the relationship could end suddenly … as quickly as it began. 7. Sagittarius woman - information and insights on the Sagittarius woman. I look after myself well and am a fasion freak, hes not i hope this last, i have never felt so deep about anyone before its scary, But i know its Gunna take a Wholee lotta Work ;from the Both of us ;haha. A Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman combination are a difficult compatibility match. Take it from me Scorpios, selfishness is not the way to go. Something that you should’ve talked out with him, you walked out on it. Although I was very attracted to her, I never let her know. Oh, and one last thing for scorps considering this match. I came here because , I met a friend which he is a male Scorpio and been known him for a total of 3days now and he tells me how much he likes me thinks how beautiful I am . The only problem being we want to own a woman and that is the last thing you want to do with them in regards to maintaining the relationship. I feel soon he will be very jealous he makes remarks calling my Ex my man out of nowhere which is frustrating !! I hope he will do the same. Because he likes to give 100 percent, he’ll find a way to make it extremely memorable with a touch, a glance, or his words. My ex was the opposite of that (he was a cancer), he wouldn’t even kiss me in public or in front of people so women would always think he is single and he would accuse me of cheating even though he was the one who behaved like a cheater. Fortunately, a Scorpio man is an expert in reading her flirtatious cues, so he’ll play along. But hey, Scorpio woman once you treated them well they repay it triple than what you give to her. Thanks. It was one of the most selfish and devastating things I ever could’ve done to this sensitive Sagittarius. Our relationship has had its ups and downs but mostly he is too afraid to get too close. Don’t forget that Scorpio also likes to dominate. Powerful. After that I felt bad because I did miss him but I felt like the feeling wasn’t mutual. He’s nice but always texting me and asking me what I’m annoying. The Sagittarius man feels stifled by the intensity of the Scorpio woman’s love, which often kicks into high gear too early in the relationship for him The Scorpio woman will feel like the relationship is on a knife’s edge – the Sagittarius man is easily bored, and … But, if the two are willing to work for it, they can achieve true love compatibility. Scorpios prefer to process things in silence. Without it, his spirit will wither, and he will become restless and irritable. Scorpio Man Compatibility with Aries Woman. I was so angry and hurt that he didn’t understand my need for friends and independance. Whatever works for you though.. That’s the thing though. I am growing through him and I like to think he is growing through me. I hadn’t had a woman for awhile before her. It is like sag’s have everything a scoprion needs in a mate and visa versa. Scorpio Men and Sagittarius Women in Love. When this relationship is tended to with the right amount of compromise and understanding, this love can go very deep. I have never, and know I never will again have a love as passionate or intense. I’ve found the best way to permanently get rid of a Scorpio who dangles you for years is to embarrass or insult them in front of their friends or family. He still did the same things so one day I decided to have a long talk with him and asked him did he see his self with me and was it because I was younger than him and he let me know my age wasn’t a problem and he did see his self with me but he wanted to “find” his self which I was all for but in return I told him we couldn’t continue to have sex because I get too emotional and he agreed, Maybe a few days later he calls me to come over and I tell him he doesn’t deserve to see me and that he knows we’re not having sex because he can’t handle everything that comes with me and he goes on saying he wants all that comes with me (which I feel is a lie), Long story short I didn’t go see him. When you care for someone even a little you give them respect and consideration. He loves to be I’m ccontrol… So I let him think he is. light ha, i am a scopio man who dated a sagittarius woman… we broke off few days ago due to her family issues!!.. Finally I asked her “why are you so upset all the time? A sag girl’s “hard to get” nature will keep him interested, making the 1st move is necessary for how you will end up treating him later. You’ve just trained your brain rather than listen to your heart. Intimacy is a must with Scorpio men they need to know you outside the bedroom better than they do on the bedroom… That’s what makes the bedroom more explosive. He had relationships with my relatives and my girlfriends and it hurts me a lot because I knew all of his promiscuity, u see I have supported him wholeheartedly in secret and surprisingly his girls would tell me and I am absorbing all the pain. Leo Woman and Sagittarius Man Compatibility Reviews Mere Wilson. We moved in together. When I became single last year he was in a relationship and now we are both single so I messaged him on FB and we started to chat but he goes on it maybe once a week so it will be a few days till I hear another reply back. Take 5 minutes before you cut into your Scorpio … He wont reciprocate the eviltries but he will file every mean thing you say away and shut down. That a huge mistake on my part. If its meant to be it will be… Dont force it….dont waste time… I invested my entire 20s in a in and out relationship. really carring outgoing and suitable for witch or orackle really hilarious and funy especially born 12 – 14 november. But that’s why I fell in love with him to begin with!! Now it’s about a freaky year that day and Nights I SMS her my feelings toward her but no response, u belive it? I think about dating someone else, as I don’t want to go back to being alone, but the thought makes me sick to my stomach of never being with her again. Goodluck to u scorpio lovers! Keeping the Flame Between Scorpio and Sagittarius. A Scorpio man doesn’t have time for fragile damsels; they need dames who can double as reliable, tough wingmen when needed. He won’t be able to get enough of someone who can match his intensity in the bedroom. The flings of youth often lead the heavy relationship seeking scorpians “once bitten, twice shy” as adults. WTF did you do to get there?!! Im dating a sag girl and shes ridiculous, immature, worthless at times, needy, none responsible, and way to social, way to blunt about sex, and dishonorable. Remember that you both possess high powers of intuition, and this telepathic level of love can blow your mind. Unrealistic expectations often lead to unpleasant experiences -- unhappiness and disappointment. What is it exactly? Its dangerous for us sag girls to fall for these guys , these bbeautiful intense creatures. (which I am not) I have never tried to get with a Scorpio guy, so the behavior is new to me. I like showering him with gifts because i like giving. It was more important to me that she felt comfortable with out any pressures from me or anyone for that matter and to regain her health. A relationship is so much more than that and I wasn’t giving her what she needed you put any flower in a dark room and any light weather be good or bad light will attract that flower and that was inevitable. The sex is stellar. I am older by at least 10 years even though he looks older than me. Several days passed and still text messages went unanswered but when we saw eachother at work (yes I forgot to mention we work together) interest showed once again. i realized that i’m bit “ridiculous” but in opposite he is used to be very..very serious in front public. I took off and went to a party without him. This could become problematic for the worldly, flighty Sagittarius. And we are still together, he tells me he will love me now and in the afterlife. He is loyal to me, so loving and caring, and simply beautiful in every way. I was unable to get off of the couch for two months all she did was love me, everything that you can think of she did for me and I brought up when she left me last. She then said that she loved me but wasn’t sure and didn’t want to be involved with me if she couldn’t be 100% in it because I deserve nothing less. She is not a person who can take domination and nagging easily. I hope we stay together. Think of the consequences when no one backs down. Scorpio man seems to be drifting away. We had relocated back to the city from where we had met in the mountains and we’re living with her mother. He is super cut up over me going to the party. LOL. I respect that he told me in the beginning. She can’t help it – she’s approachable, trusting and full of good vibes. I understand that Scorpio is the only sign that does this, in fact there are three phases – Scorpion –> Eagle –> Phoenix. Scorpio man is a superhuman being with a blend of passion, intellect and a magnetic attraction that is challenging to avoid. These two can discuss serious life issues, but their friendship seems more prone to giggling and traveling together. @Dmarko I hope we can reach a common ground and work it out, I can’t live without him! He’ll sense her limits and, together, they will have no problems testing them. , There’s another better version of 7 stages of scorpio, much cooler and more sensible. Mind you, we have yet to sleep together if that makes a difference. Met in woolworths for 3 years then plit becuse of my familky situation no s or mother. The connection between these two is not easily maintained unless they both work at it. i love my scorpio man i like be around him all the time he is great we have alot in common he desire me just as much i do for him and i dont get how we would be great togehter, I have been dating a Scorpio male for about 4 months. I can see his side of things as long as he can see mine and we can move forward. We met my first year of college and it’s been a roller coaster ever since. Hi, I am a 26 sag girl who had it hard for years to find someone I really find interesting enough to want to get to know more on a whole other level. He was madly in love with me. WHEN YOU GET PISSED WHATCH THAT TONGUE SAGITTARIUS!!! Scorpio men are most faithful of all signs A Scorpio man, Scorpio woman couple is one of the better combinations. Now she has got me used to having one around and took it away. Consult our astrology experts and psychics. Scorpio man likes his freedom and independence but is not really much of a social butterfly. I hope she finds me, the real me, un afraid to love her whole heartedly and unconditionally as she deserves. I have the same experience.
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