Only one-third are commercial carriers, like American, United or Southwest. The story of the Trump presidency cannot be fully told in numbers. No, and he said as much. Here's what's at stake if President Donald Trump is impeached (again). In raw numbers (keep in mind Trump only has 2 years in office) the stock market grew as follows: Jack Lee from Yorktown NY on March 01, 2019: The real collusion is on the Democrat side. There are 49 Muslim countries but the temporary ban only affected 6 of them. This period of time is unique in the it shows a budget surplus and the effects from an economy that almost fell into a world-wide depression, the worst in history. By keeping us out of war yet imposing crippling sanctions, I find Obama the much more effective president. Before 1929, it seems that every time you turned around, America was in another major economic downturn. You don't even acknowledge much of what we write, and when you do this is your comments. The GDP measures the value of all of the services and end products manufactured in the US. America is stronger under Trump and that is a good thing. Our third metric is the difference between the average and median, which at the end of 2017 was 14.5 weeks. POINT 4: You mean Democratic and Republican leaning judges, don't you since Reagan and Bush (both) appointed judges ruled against Trump. Who is at fault is the intel agencies "territory" mindset. While we are on this topic, what do you think of the North/South Korean development of recent days? Is that their goal, approve a drug and then let the people be the test rats. In a time when our government is over bloated and cannot even pay its bills and balance our budgets, why do we have to pay for prisons to house illegals that commit crimes? Yet we are still shooting past 110,000 dead (which is a low estimate) and 2 million cases (a very low estimate - it is more like 60 million). But just to disprove your hypothesis, the FDA was started in 1906 (Pure Food and Drugs Act) and penicillin use began in 1942. Scott Belford (author) from Keystone Heights, FL on February 04, 2018: If it is as fake as you say, then why have parts of it already been verified, verified circumstantial evidence of the most salacious, and NONE of if found to be false? The number of votes Hillary Clinton received more than Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. The next chart, Chart EMP - 2, consists of three metrics, the Participation Rate, which we have already discussed, the Unemployment Rate, and the U-6 Rate. Certainly not the gov't data I use. And, that is not the hyperbole mentioned above. You described most of the Republicans in Congress. You liberals constantly make this false chioces. Below is what is called a stoplight chart. Jack Lee from Yorktown NY on March 04, 2019: It is not what I prefer. ptosis from Arizona on February 05, 2018: Jack Lee from Yorktown NY on February 05, 2018: You claim there are plenty of Americans that want Trump taken down. CHART 2 - President Trump's Stoplight Chart - Aug 6, 2020. The same is true when employment grows, food stamp use will ultimately decline. What is unnatural is the federal reserve keeping interest rate at zero percent for all those 8 years. As a rule-of-thumb if GDP goes negative for two quarters in a row, the economy is in a recession. - And what makes you think food stamps is a lagging indicator?? "HOW does not paying for insurance and foisting your medical expenses off on to taxpayers helping the economy - these well-off freeloaders are dragging down the economy. The democrat leaning judges in the federal courts got attacked every plan on Trump's national security on the temporary 90 day ban on immigrants from 7 then even 6 war torn Middle Eastern states, even though it was to protect the US. You see, as I explain in other hubs, economic growth is intimately intertwined with population growth (plus productivity growth). (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) 74,222,593. The democrats were allowed to continue the Mueller investigation that didn't even have a predicate crime to investigate. ☎️ What is Donald Trump’s phone number? Maybe we would be better off if their job was to find a cure for major diseases, or maybe some new agency. If you are interested try this one from Motley Fool. No, I think Putin is doing just fine under Trump. Well it may be or it may not be. This time it is the illegal aliens and treating as pseudo Americans and because they have been effective in keep vote id from happening, there is no way to know how many of these illegal aliens, and convicted felons as well as dead people have been voting in our elections. Did you look at the chart?? more associates, members of his family and possibly himself. We use this management tool a little differently in assessing how President Trump is doing. "In raw numbers (keep in mind Trump only has 2 years in office) the stock market grew as follows: Looking at JUST the two year point, the order is: "Raw data, also known as primary data, is data (e.g., numbers, instrument readings, figures, etc.) I provided these statistics to show how much these flights contribute to the carbon footprint. Already native born population does not replace itself. I also sort of stopped listening when he called Obama a Fascist. It provides you a look at the trends of all of the measures that make up the employment picture.2 The percentages are the growth (or decline) in that measure. did Jong Un feared that he may face the fate of Sadam Housain after the last military strike on Syria ? The reason I introduced you to this concept is to keep everything else that follows in context. No matter what he said, did or tweeted, his numbers stayed steady. But after that time the die will be cast and economic disaster will be unavoidable. CNN's count of individuals charged or found guilty of crimes up and down Richard Nixon's command, for example, includes many of the individuals involved in the Watergate scandal, such as Nixon's chief of staff and the five men involved in the burglary of the Democratic National Committee headquarters. What has he stopped Putin from doing? I saw this first hand working in a DoD readiness office. The US government has never been proactive, they are only reactive. The only Party that I know of who did Mitch McConnell against Obama. Feinstein broke hearing protocol and sandbagged the hearing for political advantage. Scott Belford (author) from Keystone Heights, FL on April 23, 2018: There is a diplomatic reason that 40-years worth of presidents from both parties did not recognize Jerusalem. There is no news coming out of the rest of the world where they say they respect Trump. And so anti racist? They ask similar questions for your other subjects. That tells me 54% of the voting population DIDN'T want Trump. That puts 50,000 dead at the feet of Trump. He then published a series of other books related to the real estate business. The most popular myth held by our conservative friends is that the economy was much better, relatively speaking, than it is today. "1, Another term you may see is "Discretionary Income". While food stamp use declined considerably after the Great Recession of 2008 during President Obama's term in office, it was (and still is) way above historic norms. This next series of charts provide a look at Public Debt, Debt to GDP ratio, GDP and Per Capita GDP over various periods of time starting with a look at the entire history of the United States. Don't just shake your head and try to wisp it away. They stopped Trump's wall from being funded, while they got Trump to OK $70 billion for a subway tunnel between NY and NJ. Tell us where we are wrong and why? You are basically saying the improved economic conditions of the last two years is not due to anything Trump did but a continuation of the Obama administration policies. I am reading Fire and Fury now. In fact, it was just the opposite. It is now Dec 2018, and the market is definitely headed in the wrong direction. Donald Trump’s presidential legacy in numbers. This measure is called the Participation Rate (Chart EMP - 1), a number one side of the political debate tried to bash President Obama over the head with to show how poorly he was doing. 1 Today that would be .72% plus 1.2% = 1.97% predicted annual long-term growth. Real per-capita income tends to follow the business cycle, rising in the peaks and falling in the troughs. With the election of Donald Trump, stock market growth accelerated based on his promise for huge corporate tax cuts1 (which became a reality at the end of 2017). CHART POP-1 The Downward Sloping Growth Rate Curve Indicates a Population in Trouble. As an observer of human condition, it is a tough position to be at. We need to reunite the two Koreas just like the two Germanies. No, Trump has not deterred Russian aggression one iota, from what I can see. the set of people, 16 and over, who could work if they wanted to. I would like to give you the first part of my questions concerning U.S. policy in the light of the current issues. Apparently, you and the rest of the Democrats have no clue. JAMES K. POLK. Perhaps you will get your wish, with the release of the Mueller report. Scott Belford (author) from Keystone Heights, FL on February 27, 2019: " I don't consider democrats Americans," - AND YOU JUST proved yourself the TRUE unAmerican here. So what is Chart INC - 2 currently telling us? I am not sure, the Democrats didn't control any part of gov't did they. And how would it effect U.S. position as a world power? Trump's .55% increase results from inheriting a growing economy. Finally, real per-capita disposable personal income is found by adjusting per-capita disposable personal income for inflation. In the near future, like the next 20 or 25 years, atmospheric scientists don't see immediate impact on the worlds economy. Israel is doing fine without the US. Women joined the workforce (before 1948, they weren't even counted). 2. Right now, the carbon footprint is still following the downward path President Obama set. The Obama stock market, was based on the US government injecting $1.5 Trillion into the broken economy. And all the deregulation has done is screw people and the environment. no ? President Trump, however, has ordered the EPA to roll back all of Obama's efforts to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide being released.". * Non-Institutional Population (largest measure of those who can work) is UP only .5%, * The number of people in the Civilian Labor Force DECLINED by .24%, * The number of Full-Time workers DECLINED by 1.77%, * The number of Part-Time workers DECLINED by 7.27%, * The number of people Not in the Labor Force INCREASED by 1.98%, * The number of people not working but Willing to Work INCREASED by 8.14%, * The number of people too Discouraged to work INCREASED by 11.5%. Several of the stoplights which now show Red-Red, use to be Red-Yellow or even Red-Green for a bit. Obviously the opposite is true as well. The proof is in the pudding. The last airstrike in Syria was necessary. On the other hand, other observers say that Trump is right when he urged the NATO to pay their fair share and that they owe the U.S. Doesn’t that seem logical? This has sparked outrage from liberal Supreme Court justices. Donald Trump became the 45th president of the United States in January 2017. I disagree. The For's won, but you can here for yourself. What are they doing for America and Americans?
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